Saturday, August 4, 2018

Good morning!
Just to let you know we are getting things ready for our mission trip January 4th 2019. We have purchased our tickets, secured housing and are now looking a car rentals.

So many things happening since we left in April!

Los Tambos

Rose enjoysmaking dresses!

 Rose is in charge of the sewing room in Los Tambos. The major project that the ladies worked on was for school uniforms. They donated their time to make skirts, shirts and belts for the children at Los Tambos Government school.   

The sewing group was hired to make 
gowns for a neighboring school. Their 
first paying project. 

Our new sewing room in Los Tambos!! We now have a metal roof!
We no longer have the banana leaf roof that was home to geckos, spiders and snakes. Whoo Hoo!!!!

If you look close you can see the ladies in there working away.

Buena Vista


This little lady is Ester Guerra's youngest of 6 children. Her name is Ashley. She was born right after we left in April. Her moma has been busy sewing. The dress and the blanket are both made by Ester. Ester is one of two ladies that are in charge of the workroom in Buena Vista.

The valance one of the
projects the girls worked
on this summer.
Who doesn't like to make
pretty things for their house?
Or pretty draw string bags for

How about dresses? Look at all those buttons down the front!!! They have learned so much! Now to refine the talent.

We plan to continue their education by adding serger machines to each of the sewing rooms. The machines have been donated and we will be taking them when we go in January.
We asked for your continuing prayers as we take the steps to follow in this mission. 

Proverbs 16:9 - We can make our plans but the
Lord leads our steps.